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POSTPONED – 2020 Polk County Awards Luncheon
Join us for the 2020 Polk County Awards Luncheon: Date: To Be DeterminedTime: To Be Determined Location: Brow Tine Event Center – 1361 100th Street – Amery, WI 54001

Fiber is an Important Part of Our Economic Diet
Admittedly, I am not a history buff. In fact, a recent trip to Madison to visit with legislators made it abundantly clear that I should have payed more attention in my History and Civics classes in high school. But that story will have to wait for another article. Do you realize that it was 1882

All Skills Career Day 2020 – May 6th
Wednesday, May 6th8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.Polk County Fair Grounds800 E Louisiana St, St Croix Falls, WI 54024 Make plans to be part of All Skills Career Day 2019. This annual hands-on career day hosts more than 500 regional 8th grade through high school students. It is the perfect opportunity to meet some of the

Exciting Times Ahead for Polk County
It was the year 2000 when we began visiting Polk County. Soon afterwards, LuAnn and I purchased a piece of land and slowly began building a place for our family and friends to visit on weekends. I can still recall the anticipation that would build inside of me throughout the week for each upcoming trek

There’s No Crying in Business!!
I was speaking to an in-law the other day when she warned me that her mood may change dramatically as the weather becomes cooler and the days shorter. She said her personality disorder could be blamed on our bad winter weather and, as good relatives do, she told me this so that I wasn’t shocked

Polk County Receives Telecommuter Forward! Community Certification
Polk County has been certified as a Telecommuter Forward! community by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. The Telecommuter Forward! certification recognizes local units of government that have met criteria for promoting telecommuting opportunities in partnership with broadband providers, economic development professionals, and the State Broadband Office. 2017 Act 342 created Wisconsin’s Telecommuter Forward! community
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