Polk County has been certified as a Telecommuter Forward! community
by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. The Telecommuter Forward! certification recognizes
local units of government that have met criteria for promoting telecommuting
opportunities in partnership with broadband providers, economic development
professionals, and the State Broadband Office.
2017 Act 342 created Wisconsin’s Telecommuter Forward! community certification
program and it became the first-in-the-nation state program to promote
In order to become certified, Wisconsin cities, villages, towns or counties
must adopt a resolution that includes a statement of support and commitment to
promote telecommuting. The resolution
must also designate a single point of contact for coordinating telecommuting
opportunities. The resolution contains
the responsibilities of the single point of contact, including coordinating and
partnering with telecommuting stakeholders, and collaborating with broadband
providers and employers. In Polk County,
Vince Netherland of the Polk County Economic Development Corporation has been
designated as the local point person.
“The 2019-2021 state budget allocated a
historic $48 million in funding for broadband access across Wisconsin. This
funding will provide Wisconsin’s families and businesses with the technology
and information they need to prosper in today’s global economy. The need for access to reliable, high-speed broadband
is no longer a luxury, but a necessity,” said Governor Tony Evers. “We recognize that broadband access is
critical for a modern commercial environment, enabling businesses to reach
customers and suppliers, and permitting individuals to work from home.”
In 2014, the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin began awarding Broadband
Expansion Grants to underserved areas of the state, and in 2016 it began
certifying communities that have taken steps to remove barriers to broadband
infrastructure investment through the Broadband Forward! program. Telecommuter Forward! is the next chapter in
Wisconsin’s broadband expansion story.
“Thanks to private and public investment in broadband infrastructure,
Telecommuter Forward! certification will serve as another economic development
tool to promote the vitality of Wisconsin’s communities,” said Public
Service Commission of Wisconsin Chairperson Rebecca Cameron Valcq.
For communities interested in the Telecommuter Forward! community certification,
or those who would like information on services offered by the State Broadband
Office, please visit: https://psc.wi.gov/Pages/Programs/WBO.aspx. They may also contact Vince Netherland at director@polkcountyedc.com.
The Polk County Economic Development Corporation is a public-private organization that was created to encourage and promote economic development and capital investment, create and retain quality jobs, enhance the tax base and facilitate positive sustainable growth throughout Polk County, Wisconsin.